In previous articles the generic characteristics of the chakras were described and an entire article was devoted to the first chakra MULADHARA. Today, however, I wish to express my knowledge about the second chakra, the SWADHISTHANA Chakra or the sacral chakra, as it corresponds to the sacral area of the spine. While reading this article you will be able to discover and examine in depth the characteristics and peculiarities of this Chakra.
Are you ready? Get comfortable and let’s get started …
As always, the first step to better understand the characteristics of a chakra is, from my point of view, to understand what it is.

Let’s start by understanding the meaning of the name by dividing it into two parts. The term SWADHISTHANA comes from Sanskrit, where “SWA” means “one’s own” and “ADHISTHANA” stands for “abode”, so we can interpret it in simpler words as: the safe place where we keep our true nature. Indeed, this chakra houses our emotions, passions and pleasures. It is associated with the unconscious and with the custody of mental impressions. Swadhistahana is the chakra that transforms the vital energy that enters through Muladhara into emotional energy of any kind. It connects body, mind and spirit, a real meeting point between our interiority and the outside world. The second chakra is also called the “water chakra” and is associated with sexuality and creativity. It has an energy of orange color and in fact it is associated with this color, not only that, its symbol is a 6-petal orange lotus, containing the moon inside, and a crocodile is often also represented.
The positioning of the second chakra in the front of the body is two fingers below the navel, while in the back of the body it is located in the lower part of the spine, as if it were in correspondence with the last vertebra.
Starting from the bottom it is the first chakra which has a front and a back; the root chakra points downward, while the sacred chakra has a “front” and a “back”. According to some authors, however, it would be found in correspondence with the penis in men and in correspondence with the vagina in women, this may make sense when they connect with the endocrine glands present at that level. In the next paragraph we try to better understand the connection of the second chakra with the physical body.

The second Chakra governs the sexual organs, the liver, hormones, part of the small intestine, the kidneys and the spleen; consequently this chakra is energetically responsible for the functionality of the reproductive system, its organs and hormones. Furthermore, the energy of Swadhisthana administers the functionality of the lymphatic and circulatory system. Looking for more information about this chakra in various texts, I noticed that by some authors it is represented by the spleen in men and by the uterus in women. Surely by now it is clearer to understand not only the anatomical position, but also the energy range of the sacred chakra.
In previous articles, the connection of the chakras with the endocrine glands of our body has been described and in the case of Swadhisthana the association is with the gonads. The gonads are represented by the ovaries in women and by the testes in men. Considering this chakra as the creative and sexual center of our body is now certainly easier; and it is also natural to relate it to the importance of intimacy, of connections including sex, fertility and reproduction. This chakra has to do with purification, therefore it plays an important role in removing toxins from the body; let us remember that it is precisely associated with the lymphatic system which organs are responsible for the production and purification of the lymph.
I dedicate a small paragraph concerning the connection between emotions and the chakra of the sacred, since during my years of practice with various people I have noticed that often some emotions are blocked in this chakra, making it less harmonious and balanced. I would also like to point out that the second chakra governs part of the intestine, which is considered our second brain. Intestine that communicates through some reactions that are quite simple to recognize: both positive and negative emotions, therefore an organ with autonomous neuronal tissue capable of processing sensations and emotions.
The second chakra is considered the “seat of emotions” in fact it produces creativity, love for oneself, healthy relationships, joy and ambition. Consequently, when swadhisthana is in a harmonic balance, the person feels freer and more active than in ease in expressing their emotions. Creativity moves easily and it is easier to pursue various creative endeavors. The production of sex hormones and hormones that secrete molecules related to emotions such as, for example, pleasure and joy is stimulated by the harmony present in this chakra given by the connection with the reproductive system.
The balance of this chakra, like all the others, is very important, otherwise the physical body and the emotional sphere could suffer from annoying problems of various kinds.
When Swadhisthana is in a state of harmony and balanced, it is natural to give and receive love, to feel creative, to feel sensual and attractive, to feel in tune with one’s emotions and consequently to have a healthy sex life. Also, when this chakra is aligned you may feel more pleasure in daily activities, more inclined to participate in various activities, you may feel more inspired and you may feel improvements in the well-being of the digestive and reproductive systems. The benefits deriving from the balance of this chakra are many, but let’s also take a look at what it would entail in having it unbalanced.
At the level of the physical body, an unbalanced second chakra would lead to discomfort such as kidney stones, pain sensations in the lower back, urinary problems, gynecologists and prostate problems, with consequent sensations of frigidity, impotence, loss of libido and one’s own sensuality. As for the emotional sphere, one could suffer from creative blocks and emotional imbalances, mood disorders, feelings of guilt, lack of joy, not satisfied and not aligned with one’s creative and sexual strength.
None of us would like to find ourselves with an unbalanced second chakra, so in the next paragraph we will evaluate natural practices and aids to try to keep it in full harmony so that we can live a life full of joy and satisfying.
Bringing love towards oneself, talking to each other softly and having positive thoughts are the first things we should pay attention to bring harmony not only in this chakra, but in all chakras and in our body.

Meditation is the first practice I recommend, choosing a comfortable and quiet place. Start by closing your eyes, take deep breaths and allow your body to completely relax. Imagine an orange pyramid around your lower abdomen and lower back and listen. Let the energy of this geometric shape and the orange color do their duty in harmonizing your second chakra and then take all the time necessary to thank and perceive the energy change that has taken place. Here you can find an harmonious frequency useful to bring balance to your second chakra during meditation.
Eating orange, brown and naturally sweet food can help keep swadhisthana in balance. Dancing and yoga keep the sacred chakra in harmony.

Mantras and affirmations help connect with the body, reminding us that we deserve to enjoy our body. Here are some statements, which can be repeated twice a day, bringing attention to the second chakra:
• I am full of joy
• My sexuality is sacred
• I honor all my emotions
• My body is sacred and I love it
• I am a divinely created being, here to enjoy all that is divine in life
• It is safe for me to express and enjoy my sexuality
In case you have previously read my articles on chakras you will notice that this part is repeated in all articles. Repetition is a must not only for new readers but to accentuate the concept of fundamental importance for me. The crystals and essential oils that are described below can only be considered as aids in restoring the balance of the chakra in question. Furthermore, it is likely that the effect of an essential oil or a crystal is different from person to person. This indicates the wonderful uniqueness that distinguishes us and the importance of using remedies suitable for us. What you will read will therefore be a descriptive list of these alternative means to restore the energy balance of your second chakra.
Most of the suggested crystals feature vibrational and revitalizing energies and are the same color as the second chakra:
• Orange calcite
• Carnelian
• Onyx
• Orange spinel

The following essential oils are often quite sweet and comforting, thus promoting the vibrant nature of the second chakra:
• Rosewood essential oil
• Ylang-ylang essential oil
• Orange essential oil
• Essential oil of Clary Sage or also called Muscat Grass
Happy rebalancing!
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With a strong hug, I greet you dear reader and see you in the next article …
Love and Light
Mara – The Wellness Ways

Dr. Mara Bianchini, B.S.
Holistic Therapist, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Reiki Master