What are the chakras? “,” What’s their purpose? “,” Does the balancing of the chakras work? “,” What can I do, they told me that I have the chakras closed! “,” How many chakras do we have? “,” Even performing all the meditations to open the chakras, I still feel them closed, what can I do? “

These are just some of the many questions I get from my customers every day. I realized that this topic in addition to producing many questions also causes a lot of confusion.
Today it is much easier to hear the word Chakra pronounced than it was a few decades ago. This happened thanks to the diffusion of meditation groups, yoga centers, holistic paths and Reiki treatments.
I am sure that you who are reading, this word to your mind has somehow arrived, otherwise you would not have opened this article. Even if you know, or think you know, already all about this topic or if it is the very first time you hear it mentioned, I advise you to take a few minutes to read this article because if you have come up to here, there is a reason, don’t you think?
During the reading you will discover general characteristics of the Chakras which will then be deepened in the next articles.
There are many articles, videos and even books on this topic, often written very well and with many insights.
I do not have the absolute truth, nobody has it, but I want to give you dear reader more clarity about this wonderful topic.
I don’t like to waste your time so let’s start this journey to discover the Chakras.
What are chakras?
Understanding what the Chakras are allows us to understand how energy is processed by human beings. All that is around us is energy, it contains energy, which can be absorbed by energy fields present in our body through the use of centers, called precisely Chakras.
The word Chakra derives from Sanskrit and means wheel, vortex, disk; therefore we can define the Chakras as revolving centers of energy that receive, regulate and distribute “prana”. Where “prana” means the sum of all the energies contained in the universe.
The main function of the Chakras is to absorb universal energy, metabolize it, feed the auras and then release energy to the outside. Thanks to their spiral movement they are able to reach the center of the subtle body in depth, thus penetrating the physical body. They are connected to all the vital organs and glands of our body. Our life is considered a reflection of our Chakras, therefore by empowering them and keeping them in balance we can empower and improve our lives with consequent modification of external situations. These characteristics are of fundamental importance and make us understand that caution and knowledge are necessary, since even a small mistake could bring us to strong internal imbalances.
How many and what are the Chakras?
Below you will find a description of the general characteristics of the main Chakras.
If you had done even a little research on the Chakras you could have discovered that the main ones are 7. In reality, there are many and different chakra systems, all of which derive from Tantric Yoga. Most Westerners believe that the chakras are only 7. And until a few years ago I was convinced too. This belief, which is very widespread today, comes from a book published in America and Western Europe in 1918 by Sir John George Woodroffe, also known by the pseudonym of Arthur Avalon. In this book, apparently, the writer describes these 7 chakras, but in reality, he declares the presence of 6 chakras and a seventh, which he himself does not call chakra, described as a beautiful multi-petal system formed by divine feelings, positioned above the head. In this book entitled “The Serpent Power” he explains the existence of many and different chakra systems which range from a minimum of 3 and upwards; the six chakras system explained by the writer in the book is based on one of the many Indian chakra systems that he studied. Some scholars explain that writer John George Woodroffe may have written this book based on an incoherent and confusing translation of “Siva-Samhitā”.

Clinging to the idea that the Chakras present in our body are only 7 is, as well as limiting, probably also inaccurate; instead, we should keep an open mind on this interesting topic and welcome the idea that the number of chakras present in our body differs according to different cultures, and so also the terminologies to define and identify them are different. For example, in the Ayurvedic system, there are energy points called “Marma”, there are more than 100, among which there are the chakras; or in Tibetan Buddhism the word chakra is not used but “Channel Wheels”. Other cultures claim the presence of 12 chakras, others 13, and some others 11.

Regardless of the quantity or terminology used for the Chakras, there is a common denominator for all the cultures that speak of them, which concerns the profound meaning of these systems. The chakras allow us a journey of transformation within ourselves, they serve for a development of the awareness of our interactions with which we can know ourselves as physical, emotional, psychic and mental beings.
With a small addition (or modification) let’s meet together the general characteristics of the chakras starting from the bottom:
FIRST CHAKRA – MULADHARA or Root or Coccyx Chakra. This Chakra gives physical and emotional strength, balance, grounding, relates to health and connects us with our physical body. It is located at the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals.
SECOND CHAKRA – SWADHISTANA or Sacral or Cross Chakra. It is the energy center that helps us adapt to changes and allows us a healthy manifestation of life. Located in the abdomen, below the navel and behind the sexual organs.
THIRD CHAKRA – MANIPURA or Solar Plexus, Navel, Spleen, Stomach and Liver. It relates to power, will and cheerfulness. It is the Chakra that helps us make decisions, gives transformation capacity, regulates our nutrition and our metabolism. It is positioned at the solar plexus, between the navel and the sternum.
FOURTH CHAKRA – ANHATA or Heart Center. It is the Chakra that allows us to love deeply, to experience compassion and a deep sense of peace. It is connected to love, balance, union, and healing. It is positioned in the chest.

FIFTH CHAKRA – VISHUDDA or Center of the Heart, of the Throat or Center of Communication. It is the energy center of creativity oriented towards self-expression and the ability to listen. In the physical body it is located in the lower part of the neck, at the throat.
SIXTH CHAKRA – AJNA – THIRD EYE or also defined Center of Command, of Knowledge, of Inner Wisdom. It allows contact with other levels of consciousness and with the vision that transcends matter. It is the Chakra of intuition, visualization, clairvoyance and telepathy. It is located between the eyebrows moved slightly higher, has its correspondence behind the head at the same level.
SEVENTH CHAKRA – SAHASRARA or Crown Chakra, Center of the Vortex or Thousand Petal Lotus. It refers to consciousness as pure awareness. It is attuned to our true self. It is located above the head.
EIGHTH CHAKRA – ATSAMADHIMAN corresponds to the body’s aura or magnetic cosmos and vibrates at very high frequencies allowing the achievement of states of higher levels of consciousness.
I would like to clarify and remind that although we have given the Chakras a location to facilitate their understanding, they are not part of our physical body but part of the subtle or energetic body. In addition, the 7 main chakras correspond to areas of the endocrine system or to the plexuses of the nerves of the physical body.
Anyone who has read my blog (if you have not already done so, I invite you to do it) knows my method and my work experience clearly, so they perfectly understand that for each individual, to follow one path over another or use a tool or one method over another is not the same thing. This also applies to the various openings of the Chakras, the various meditations, or the visualizations advertised as separate ways. First of all, I would like to specify that the Chakras are always open, otherwise, you would not be alive and therefore these modern methods of opening the Chakras through meditations, etc. could be useless or even harmful. In my work and in my method we do not speak of opening the Chakras but of balancing, since it can happen that insufficient energy in the Chakras can lead to disorders in the body, mind or spirit, but never to a closure. Forcing to try to “open” a Chakra through meditations or visualizations is not necessary, but one must become more aware, one must work on oneself. For example, if I want to perceive more love, I should learn to love my enemies. I remind you that you are not working on the Chakras to bring balance, but on yourself.
Always remember that when you decide, or you will decide to work on the Chakras, it is simply a deep journey towards your own self, within yourself. Do it with love and connection.
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With a big hug I greet you dear reader and see you in the next article …
Love and Light
Mara – The Wellness Ways

Dr. Mara Bianchini, B.S.
Holistic Therapist, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Reiki Master