About Mara

About Mara Bianchini

Answer the question “Who am I?” it can be difficult, since we often identify with the work we do, losing sight of who we really are. I could define myself through all the courses of study undertaken, diplomas, certificates, masters, etc., but I am simply a human being named Mara Bianchini, I am that person who can accompany you on a journey and on a path towards the well-being of body, mind and spirit. Thanks to my holistic approach, I founded “The Wellness Ways” a set of paths that will lead you towards a 360 degree wellness.

If I had to use words to describe myself, they would be these:Traveler, Visionary, Researcher, Scholar, Writer … but also wife, food passionate, very curious woman, enterprising, determined and founder of “The Wellness Ways”.

My story

My training begins with the diploma in “Industrial Technician Chief Chemistry specialization” in 2009 and with the beginning of the university course in “Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences” curriculum “Herbal Sciences”, which made me obtain the title of doctor in this specific field in 2014.

In 2012, in conjunction with university studies, I approached a school of Naturopathy where I undertook holistic massage courses. Obviously, the diplomas obtained subsequently differ from the university course.

I had the first experiences with friends and family and then they extended to friends of friends and so on. In those years I embarked on intense meditation and personal improvement paths. The continuous work on myself (I assure you it never ends) has allowed me and still allows me to be able to help hundreds of people.


Mara Bianchini

"The passion for studying and research make me a perennial student, despite having something to teach."

"I love nature, I love animals and I am grateful to life"

"Starting a path of love towards yourself is the most wonderful thing you can do today, without waiting for tomorrow".

New situations, people, and problems led me to begin new courses of study such as nutritionistBach flower therapy, and aromatherapy.

In April 2019, after three levels and about three years of studies, lessons and tests, I was awarded the “Master Reiki” diploma, thus becoming a teacher.

This path, which still continues, has allowed me to understand and accept that every single person is a world and therefore needs specific and different attentions, approaches, and treatments. This means that in order to suggest a certain road towards well-being it is necessary to use a part of knowledge that comes from that study added to another, or to other fragments of knowledge and studies coming from other training courses. The choice of one treatment over another or the union of multiple techniques does not follow specific protocols but follows the needs of the person.

My method

Since 2013 I have been working closely with people and I have created a working method that not only works, but improves people’s lives. The university education made me develop a scientific and logical mind, while the massage school, the reiki path, the study of the pendulum and the flower therapy have made me grow spiritually, have increased my creativity and strengthened my intuitions. So I managed to combine these two aspects of my training in a single methodology. So for me, “The Wellness Ways” is not just a blog, but a method that everyone can and should follow. I will briefly tell you what it is, so you can better understand what I am saying.

Since childhood, where unfortunately I don’t have much memory, I have always differentiated myself for my strong sensitivity, intuitiveness, and empathy. Over the years, growing, these characteristics have not been cultivated, indeed I would say denied, for fear of people judgment. The course of study that I have faced has made these peculiarities re-emerge, transforming them into something a little stronger. The ability to perceive people’s ailments simply by treating them with massages or reiki developed when I decided to accept it. So, at the end of each treatment, I was, and I am able to give a complete energetic, spiritual and physical picture to people and consequently help them with ways of improvement, which includes the union of various studies. This is also the reason why I cannot and will never be able to stop studying and find out about all alternative treatment methodologies. In recent years I have decided to give a name to this type of holistic improvement so that other people can learn, open their minds, understand, and feel better. So “The Wellness Ways” is based on the union of various studies that aim at a total balance of the person with the goal of bringing wellness.



Greatfulness in my life is of fundamental importance and the word "thank you" brings with it a strong positivity and magic. In fact, if we think about it, saying "thank you" gives smiles, welcome and almost unexpected kindness so as to make it magical. So in this small section I want to thank my husband Alessandro for supporting me, for sharing life and for the very important collaboration in the birth and growth of projects like this blog. I want to say THANK YOU to all my customers because, even if they don't realize it, they are great teachers. I thank all the friends and family who believe in this improvement project for ourselves and others. But above all THANKS to you, friend and reader, who are here on this blog to learn and share.
